

Skin pigmentation is increased levels of melanin – the pigment in skin that produces colour – which appears as patches on the skin.

It can happen following injury, or as a result of inflammation, sun damage or hormonal changes. Pigmentation patches are most common in darker skins and can run in families. Skin is particularly susceptible to pigmentation during pregnancy.

If you have skin pigmentation, contact IPSA for an immediate appointment with an experienced doctor.

Treatments at IPSA

At the IPSA clinic, you will be seen by our doctor who has a special interest in skin. We will give you an examination to ensure that your pigmentation is benign and safe to treat.

Our doctor will discuss the best methods of treatment available for you, from prescription topical medication to the best skin care regimen to allow the pigmentation to fade.

We will review you at skin cycle intervals and follow up carefully throughout your skin’s recovery period.

What Types of Treatments are Available?

Our doctors may recommend different treatments. Here are some of the most effective pigmentation treatments:

  • Prescription creams: We may suggest a prescription cream, which is a combination of hydroquinone and retinol. These creams work over several weeks or even months. They should only be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Micro dermabrasion: Micro dermabrasion removes the dead top layer of the skin. It should be painless, although care should be taken when using it as it can cause pigmentation if used to vigorously. Our doctors may recommend this alongside other treatments, such as prescription creams or chemical peels.
  • Chemical peels: A chemical, such as glycolic acid, is applied to skin, causing the top layers to shed. This treatment can be useful in cases of mild discolouration. After using a chemical peel, you must use a sunblock to prevent further pigmentation.
  • Laser: Laser treatments can be effective for pigmentation, although some treatments are not suitable for darker skin. There are several different types of laser and the treatment you have will depend on your complexion and extent of pigmentation. This treatment should only be administered by a registered specialist.
  • IPL: IPL stands for intense pulsed light. This is sometimes compared to laser treatment but is not the same. This treatment is particularly effective with lighter skin tones. On olive and darker skin tones, over-lightening can be a risk but a patch test will determine whether this treatment is appropriate. Like the laser treatment, IPS should only be administered by a professional.

At IPSA we can also advise you on a range of safe skin brightening regimes to use at home on a regular basis to gradually lighten dark pigmentation patches.

Contact a doctor at IPSA for a range of options to treat pigmentation. Call us for a same-day appointment or book your consultation online.