
Fungal infections


Ringworm, which is not caused by a worm, is a fungal infection caused by tinea corporis. Ringworm can appear anywhere on your body. It looks like a red, circular and flat sore which is quite often accompanied by ‘scaly’ skin. The outer area of the fungal sore is sometimes raised and the skin in the middle of the sore appears to be normal. Although ringworm is unsightly, it is not usually serious.


Your IPSA skin clinic fungal skin infection consultation

At your IPSA skin clinic, your IPSA skin specialist will examine your sores or infected skin and will be able to make a diagnosis as to the type of infection you have. Your IPSA skin specialist will talk through the treatment options with you.


Is ringworm contagious?

Ringworm can be spread on furniture, clothing, and through direct contact with animals or infected people. Both humidity and heat might help the ringworm infection to spread.


What are the symptoms of ringworm?

Ringworm is a flat, red and circular sore, sometimes with the presence of scaly skin. You might have more than one ringworm patch on your skin, and some of the patches/red rings of the rash can overlap. It is also possible to have ringworm but not to have the usual red rash-like ring.


How is ringworm diagnosed at the IPSA skin clinic?

Your specialist IPSA skin physician will diagnose ringworm after examining you rash or she/he may diagnose based on your reported symptoms. Your IPSA specialist will ask about possible exposure to people or animals with ringworm and may take samples of your skin or gentle scrapings from the infected area. This is so he/she can then examine the samples under the microscope to confirm the ringworm diagnosis.


How is ringworm treated at the IPSA skin clinic?

The IPSA skin clinic treatment for ringworm will normally consist of anti-fungal medications. These are applied directly to the skin. Most ringworm infections do respond well to over-the-counter (OTC) creams; however, for more severe ringworm cases, your IPSA skin specialist may prescribe prescription oral or topical drugs.


Yeast infections

Yeast infections on the skin are called ‘cutaneous candidiasis’ and they are caused by a yeast-like fungi (known as candida). These types of yeast infection occur when the yeast on your skin grows more quickly; this leads to a red, itchy and scaling rash developing on your skin. These yeast infections cannot be ‘passed on’; they are not contagious.

Yeast infections can affect nearly any area of skin on your body, but they are most likely to develop in moist, warm and creased areas (including your groin and your armpits). Candida infections are much more common in obese individuals, in people with diabetes, and when taking antibiotics.

Candida can also cause nappy rash in infants and nail infections. Candida also causes oral thrush (in the mouth) and vaginal yeast infections.


What are the symptoms of a yeast infection?

In folds of skin, the signs of a yeast infection can include:

  • A rash
  • Patches of skin that ooze a clear fluid
  • Bumps that are pimple-like in nature
  • Burning or itching sensations

In the nail bed, the signs of a yeast infection can include:

  • Pus
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • A yellow or white nail which separates away from the nail bed


How are yeast infections treated at the IPSA skin clinic?

At your IPSA skin clinic, yeast infections are diagnosed and the appropriate treatment for your specific yeast infection is given. Skin yeast infections are treated very easily using medicated creams. Medicated suppositories might be used if your yeast infection is in your vagina. Thrush might be treated with dissolving mouth lozenges or with a medicated mouthwash. For the more severe yeast infections or for yeast infections in those with compromised immune systems, oral anti-yeast medications might be prescribed.

If you do suspect that you have a yeast infection, then book your same-day fungal skin infection consultation at your IPSA skin clinic today, either by phone or online.